Special Benefits¹ for Ministers and Missionaries

403(b)(9) plans provide special benefits, such as tax free housing allowance distribution and pre-SECA contributions for ministers and tax free contributions for missionaries.

Tax Favored Savings

Whether you choose to make your contribution as traditional pre-tax or Roth, every dollar contributed to the MRF receives special tax treatment. This special tax treatment allows your retirement savings to grow at an accelerated rate.

Investment Solutions

Develop your own asset allocation, choose from a faith based model, or have the MRF Board manage your funds. No matter your level of investment expertise the MRF is sure to have an investment solution that is right for you.

Dedicated Service Team

MRF provides a dedicated service team to ensure timely and accurate responses to ministers and their staff participants.

Cost Effective

MRF is able to leverage the accounts of hundreds of ministers and support staff to create the necessary economies of scale to offer a cost effective retirement plan solution to all UPCI churches and ministers, big and small.

Professional Investment Consulting

The MRF board has engaged fee based investment consultants to objectively assist us in creating an investment menu suited to meet the needs of all plan participants.


Web based solutions make the MRF an efficient and easy access retirement plan solution. MRF provides the type of internet and mobile access to your account that today’s technology savvy ministers and staff expect.

¹Please consult your tax advisor regarding how saving into this plan or any plan will benefit you.